Why, hello there!

It’s true. I’m enamored with travel. So much so that I feel it should be an adjective, a feeling, a state of being. All you wanderlusters, wayfarers, nomads, travel junkies and thrill seekers know what I’m talking about. You could be on a trip somewhere amazing and already be dreaming up future travels for the next year, next month – heck – next week!

How to not book a room in the red light district

“You girls sure you want to stay here? You shouldn’t stay out past dark. Definitely don’t walk around this area at night.” Marcia and I were quiet, not sure how to respond to the cab driver. This was our first trip overseas on our own. We were 23.  “Why do you say that?” I finally…

Breakfast at REI’s

Like shimmering diamonds resting on a woman’s fair neck, the turquoise-tinted aluminum of the Black Diamond trekking poles caught my eye as they magnificently reflected the fluorescent glow from overhead. It was a typical Saturday for me – perusing one of my neighboring REI stores. Most Saturdays I “window shop” here. But that day was…

I had to break the rules so I could follow the rules

“Well, what are we gonna do now?” the visa control agent asked me in Lao, his accent lilting like those who are from that southern part of the country. I had just landed at the Pakse International Airport, the common layover point for those traveling in and out of Laos. I was on my way…